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마그네슘합금의 표면처리에 관한 연구개발 동향

magnesium alloy, surface treatment, anodizing, diffusion coating, sol-gel coating.
우리나라는 자동차, 전자, 통신기기 등 마그네슘의 이용을 필요로 하는 산업이 발달해 있는 만큼 이들 산업의 국제경쟁력 강화를 위해서는 마그네슘의 취약한 내 식성을 개선할 수 있는 표면처리기술의 개발이 요구된다. 본 보고에서는 세계적으로 개발되고 있는 마그네슘의 표면처리기술에 관한 주요 개발사례와 최근의 연구개발 동향을 소개한다.

Recently, consumption of magnesium alloys has increased especially in the 3C (computer, communication, camera) and automobile industries. The structural application of magnesium alloys has many advantages due to their low densities, high specific strength, excellent damping and anti-eletromagnetic properties, and easy recycling. However, practical application of these alloys has been limited to narrow uses of mild condition, because they are inferior in corrosion resistance and wear resistance due to their high chemical reactivity and low hardness. Various wet and dry processes are being used or are under development to enhance alloy surface properties. Various conversion coating and anodizing methods have been developed in a view of eco-friendly concept. The conventional technologies, such as diffusion coating, sol-gel coating, hydrothermal treatment, and organic coating, are expected to be newly applicable to magnesium alloys. Surface treatments for metallic luster or coloring are suggested using the control of the micro roughness. This report reviews the recent R&D trends and achievements in surface treatment technologies for magnesium alloys.
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